Power Management System
Power Meter with AMF & ATS
EMS314 integrates all the AC functions required for Telecom Genset applications. It provides Mains Metering , Genset Metering, AMF and ATS control to supplement the basic engine controllers. It also provides a high level of system protection, which is not available with converntional metering hence improving reliability and reducing system cost.
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Multistart Module
EMS316 Multistart unit is used in the celluar Telecom Sector for delaying the starting of the Genset after a mains fail until either the batteries need charging or the cell hut temperature require airconditioning. Its purpose is to save fuel by running the Diesel Genset only when required. It is a Din Rail mounted unit and can provide the front end monitoring for any Genset controller with an autostart input.
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Fuel Optimiser Unit
EMS339 Controller is specifically designed for Telecom applications which minimises Diesel Fuel consumption by delaying the DG start, after a Mains Failure. The DG will start and stop on a demand basis governed by the Room Temperature and Battery requirements. The unit can be setup to monitors the Mains directly or detect a mains failure from a digital input. The unit provides 3 outputs for system control or information. Alarms and Warnings are shown on the LCD and supplemented by the Alarm output. The unit maintains 4 independent hour meters: Total Operational Hours, Mains Hours, Battery Hours and DG Run Hours.
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Battery Supervisor
EMS430 Battery Supervisor is a din mounted module which monitors the performance of 12, 24 or -48 volt batteries. Battery current, temperature, voltage and state of charge are monitored. An isolated RS485 link is provided for linking to supervisory equipment.
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Battery Supervisor
EMS431 Battery Supervisor is a din rail mounted module which monitors the performance of 12, 24 or -48 volt batteries. Battery current, temperature, voltage and state of charge are monitored. An isolated RS485 link is provided for linking to supervisory equipment.
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